研究考查了一种新型的毛纺材料——宝丝绒的形态结构和物理机械性能 ,同时进行了绒毛分梳、纺纱、织造、染整实验 .通过与山羊绒及其产品的比较 ,认为宝丝绒与山羊绒有极其相似的各种性能和结构 ,是一类很有发展前景、有很高使用价值的新型毛纺材料 .而且 ,发展养狗事业 ,对于调整农业结构。
The dog fine hair,as a new kind textile material was investigated in this paper.The structural characteristics,as well as physical and mechanical properties were studied,also the test of spinning and weaving using the fiber was carried out.The experiment results show that the dog fine hairs have very similar structures and characters as cashmere by comparing it with cashmere,and have high commercial application in the future.Developing dog cultivation can contribute to the adjustment of agriculture structurse and increase of peasant income of China,and is of great significance in releasing the environment pressure caused by over breeding of goats,especially in today,the threaten of desert and sand storm becomes more and more seriously.
Journal of Tiangong University