对 2 4 8窝波尔山羊的胎产羔数、羔羊初生重和 2月龄体重的资料进行了遗传分析。结果表明 :公羊和胎次均对母羊产羔数具有显著的影响(P <0 0 5)。不同产羔季节对羔羊初生重和 2月龄体重也具有显著影响。产羔数的遗传力为 0 1 52 ,属低遗传力 ,而羔羊初生重和 2月龄体重 2个性状 (0 433 ,0 347)有中等或较高的遗传力。波尔母羊胎产羔数与羔羊初生重、 2月龄体重之间存在显著或极显著的表型相关 ,但是它们之间却存在显著或极显著的负遗传相关 (P <0 0 5或 P<0 0 1 )。羔羊的初生重和 2月龄体重间 ,无论是表型相关还是遗传相关 ,都呈极显著的正相关(P <0 0 1 )。
Genetic parameter was analysed on the litter size,birth weight and two month weight of kids of 248 litters in Boer goats.The results showed that both bucks and parity had significant effects on the litter size and that different lambing seasons had significant effects on the birth weight and two month weight of kids (P<0 05).The heritabilites of litter size was 0 152.The heritability of birth weight and two month weight of kids was 0 443 and 0 347.There were significant phenotypic correlation between litter sizes and birth weight,two month weight of kids,but their genetic correlations were negative (P<0 05 or P<0 01).There were strong positive correlation between birth weight and two month weight of kids(P<0 01).
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
四川省"九五"攻关项目 (1 996年第 0 7号文 )