《刑法》第二百二十五条第三项在罪状表述方式上具有高度抽象性与最大概括性 ,这使得非法经营罪的内涵具有扩张性特征。制定这一规范的目的在于令刑法保持应对新型经济失范行为的灵活性 ,其价值取向以中国当前经济生活的现状为背景 ,从克服刑法典的局限性来说具有某种法哲学意义上的合理性 ,并且与中国的传统价值观以及主流刑法理论相契合。但这一刑法规范的危险性在于 :该规范在内容上具有不明确性和不可预测性 ,这可能导致刑罚权的滥用 。
The expression of Item 3 Section 225 of the Criminal Law is abstract and general which makes the intension of illegal business crime expansile. The purpose of this legislation is to maintain the flexibility of criminal law in handling new types of illegal economic behavious, with the present economic situation in China as its backgrouund. In the sense of legal philosophy, the value orientation is reasonable to some extent in overcoming the limitation of Criminal Law and agrees with Chinese traditional values and mainstream theories of criminal jurisprudence. However, its danger lies in the fact that its content is uncertain and unforeseeable, which is possible to lead to penalty abuse, and the value orientation is contrary to the principle of legally prescribing penalty and the requirement of market economy.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
四川省教育厅人文社会科学青年基金项目 [川教计 ( 1 999) 1 2 8号 ]