女性与媒体有着天然的、不可分割的联系 ,因此麦克汉姆把媒体描述为“人类身体的延伸”。但是 ,女性主义则把媒介权力视为文明时代性别奴役的主要形态。传媒从男性意志出发 ,带着性别歧视的有色眼镜来控制信息载体 ,传播特定的“符号 -意义”体系 ,构成人们对女性的认知概念世界和价值系统 ,并形成对女性认知自我和他者的隐性支配。电视传媒是目前我国受众最乐意接近的媒介之一 ,而女性受众的视听需求与电视传媒审视女性的视角之间存在的偏差也十分明显。为了更好地整合与构建女性主体人格 ,进一步推进男女平等 ,电视媒体审视和表达女性的性别视角必须加以矫正。
Women have a natural and inseparable relation to the media, which was once described by Mackham as the extension of human body. Feminism take the media as the main form of gender slavery in the civilized society. In their mind, the media help construct women's recognition of self and the other by transmitting the particular symbol-meaning system from men's discriminated point of view. Being one of the most popular media in our country, TV is welcome by women, but there is still gap between TV' s way of presenting and expressing women and the expectations of its female receivers. To reconstruct women's subject and to promote the national equality of men and women, TV's gendered view must be rectified.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
TV media, female receivers, gendered view, deconstruct