目的 探讨治疗尿道处女膜融合症的指征及合理手术方式。方法 应用倒“U”形切开尿道口成形增加尿道口与阴道口间距 ,使其大于 0 5cm ;并处理尿道外口之新生物 ,使尿道末端和尿道外口直顺平滑。结果 应用倒“U”切开尿道口成形术治疗尿道处女膜融合症及所致之尿道综合征 2 1例 ;获随访 18例 ,时间 1年~ 13年 ;16例效果良好 ,2例无效 ,治愈好转率 88 8%。其中与性生活有关的 12例获随访 1例 ,10例痊愈 ,治愈率 90 %。结论 认为本术式简便 ,疗效可靠 ,不失为治疗尿道处女膜融合症及所致之尿道综合征的一种较好的方法。
Objective To discuss the signs and reasonable operative manner in order to cure the confluence of urethra and hymen.Methods Using reversed 'U' to cut down the urethral orifice and increase the spacing between the urethral orifice and the vaginal orifice, make it greater than 0.5cm. To treat the neoplasm on the external orifice of urethra in order to make the urethra distal end and exterman orifice of urethra smooth.Results Using reversed 'U' to cut down the urethral orifice we treated 21 cases of the confluence fo urethra and hymen and urethral syndrome, 16 eases got better curative effect and 2 cases was inefficitnt between 18 cases in follow-up for 1-3 years. The improvement rate was 88.8%.10 cases was fully recovered of 11 cases in follow-up of 12 cases relating to sex life. The healing rate was 90%.Conclusion It is convenient and reliable. It is believed a good method. [
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers