“豪族共同体”论是日本学者在研究的中国六朝史过程中所取得的重要成果之一。尽管国内学者对其理论构架多持否定态度 ,但笔者认为 ,“豪族共同体”本身的确是在特定历史条件下形成的一种有别于乡里社会组织的特殊社会集团。对这个问题 ,学术界应予以必要的关注。
s: The theory of gentry community is one of the most important achievements of the study of the Six Dynasties of China history by Japanese researchers. Most domestic researchers hold a negative view towards this theory concerning its theoretical structure. However, according to the current paper, the gentry community itself is a special social group formed under specific historical circumstances that differentiates itself greatly from rural social group. Such point merits necessary noticing among the scholastic circle here.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)