注释学上的“追求原意说”由来已久 ,人们都把它看作不需要证明的原则 ,因而广为应用。其实这是一种误解 ,是用理想状态代替现实情况的典型范例。典籍构成的四大质素无一例外都呈现出动态分布的态势 ,处在不断的变动过程之中。由此可见 ,注释学上的“追求原意说”虽然行之有效 ,但它并不具备绝对真理的资格 ,其本身也是需要证明的一个范畴 ,应用它的时候应该加以甄别 ,以免过于理想化 。
The concept of seeking the original meaning'in science of annotation is time honoured,and people accept it as the principle that does not need any proving,hence its wide application.But as a matter of fact,this is a misunderstanding,a typical example of using an ideal state to replace the actual one.The four cardinal elements of ancient codes and records,will invariably have to present themselves in a posture of dynamic distribution and in a process of constant change.Therefore,though'the concept of seeking the original meaning'in science might do effectively,it is not qualified for the absolute truth.It is of itself a category that needs to be proved,and so when it is put to use,efforts should be made to examine and distinguish it so as to avoid making it so idealized that it affects the explanation of the meaning of ancient codes and records.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
dynamic connotation of component elements of ancient books
seeking the original meaning in annotation