
论吉长铁路的修建与维护路权的斗争(1902-1912) 被引量:1

Construction of Jichang Railway and Fighting around Its Right(1902~1912)
摘要 20世纪初 ,为了进一步侵略东北 ,俄、日两国无视中国主权 ,先后觊觎吉 (林 )长 (春 )铁路利权。为维护路权 ,巩固边防 ,清中央政府、吉林地方当局以及吉林民众与俄、日展开了一系列的交涉和斗争。因出发点各异 ,他们在这一进程中表现出了不同的护权姿态。由于当局不能有效地团结民众力量 ,路权斗争的结果只是勉强维持了“中日合办” At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian and Japanese Government coveted the construction right of Jichang Railway one after another disregarding of Chinese sovereignty in order to intrude further into Northeast China. Qing administration and the masses of Jilin Province launched a series of negotiations and struggles in order to protect the railway right. Because of different standpoints they manifested various postures in the above proceedings around the railway right. Largely attributing to the deficient unity between the authorities and masses, the fighting for the right of Jichang Railway merely resulted in the maintaining of a'Sino Japanese co operation'pattern.
作者 尹新华
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第2期29-33,共5页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
关键词 吉长铁路 日本 清政府 民众 路权 Jichang Railway Japan Qing administration Masses Railway right
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  • 1王芸生编著..六十年来中国与日本 第6卷[M].北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1980:312.
  • 2[6]吉林省社科院编.满铁史资料·第2卷[M].北京:中华书局,1979.445~446. 被引量:1
  • 3[8]北大法律系国际法教研室编.中外旧约章汇编·第2册[M].北京:三联出版社,1959.377~378. 被引量:1
  • 4宓汝成编..中国近代铁路史资料 1863-1911[M].北京:中华书局,1963:340.




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