该文研究在大范围运动是自由的情况下柔性梁的刚 -柔耦合动力学特征。从连续介质力学理论出发 ,在纵向变形位移中计及了耦合变形量 ,用 Jourdain速度变分原理导出了柔性梁的刚 -柔耦合动力学方程。用频谱分析方法对带中心刚体的悬臂梁进行动力学分析表明 ,柔性梁的系统一阶固有频率低于把梁视作刚体的系统固有频率ωr,频率的差异随着ωr增大而增加 ;在初始条件一定的情况下 ,系统的二阶固有频率随着ωr 增大而增高 ,揭示了大范围运动和变形运动的相互耦合的特征。
In this paper, the rigid flexible coupling dynamic behaviour of a flexible beam in free motions is studied. Based on continuum medium mechanics, the coupling term of the deformation is included in the expression of longitudinal deformation. The coupling dynamic equations of the flexible beam are obtained by use of Jourdain's velocity variational principle. The coupling dynamic behaviour of a cantilever beam with a of rigid body attached to its middle is studied utilizing the frequency spectrum analysis method. The simulation results of several examples indicate that the first natural frequency of the system is lower than the natural frequency ω r of the system where the beam is regarded as rigid body and that the difference of the frequency increases with ω r . It is also shown that in the case of same initial condition, the second natural frequency of the system increases with ω r . The property of the coupling of the motions in wide range and deformation motions are revealed.
Journal of Vibration Engineering
国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 (编号 :19832 0 4 0 )