针对建筑管理的项目目标实现干扰因素多的状况 ,从进度控制、质量控制、成本控制三个方面进行了论述 ,提出了项目目标实现的科学方法 ,解决了我国基本建设中浪费现象严重、建筑工程项目投资失控、工期失控、质量失控等问题 ,有利于国民经济的发展。
According to the present situation of many disturbing factors in project control of building management discussion is carried out from three aspects: schedule control, quality control and cost control. The scientific method of realizing project objectives is proposed, which solves the waste phenomenon in capital construction and the problems such uncontrolled invest, out of control of time limit and uncontrolled quality in engineering projects. This control is benefit for the development of national economy.
Shanxi Architecture