介绍了尖山矿选厂扩建工程的特殊环境条件和复杂的工程地质条件 ,通过对几种方案比较 ,确定夯实水泥土桩复合地基是适宜该场地的最优地基设计方案 ,经检测地基处理效果良好 ,采用新型复合地基处理方法 ,不仅取得了良好的技术效益 ,且为业主取得了可喜的经济效益。
The special environmental conditions and complex engineering geological conditions of expansion engineering in Jianshan concentration plan are introduced. Through the comparison of several plans the compaction soil cement composite foundation is determined as the optimal foundation design plan. Adopting this new foundation treatment method the technological benefit and economical benefit are both acquired, and good treatment effect is verified by checking.
Shanxi Architecture