Objective To compare the mixing time of PN-Twin (Ajinomoto Pharma,Tokyo,Japan)vs conventional method&computerized method.Methods Record the total operating time for different methods of mixing.Total:54bags.Data was analyzed by ANOVA using statistic software Statview(SAS Co.original product of USA).Significant level was at P<0.05.Result Total operation time (including preparing time,mixing time and abandoning time)for PN-Twin was:25″±8″,the conventional way was:12' 37″±2' 52″,the computerized automatic mixer was:13' 34″±1' 56″.It indicated that there existed significant difference between the PN-Twin and conventional method(P=0.001),also between the PN-Twin and the automatic mixer(P=0.001).Conclusions PN-Twin could be mixed even if no clean room/air-flow hood condition.The operation process was simple and the operation time was significant shorter than the conventional method and computerized mixer.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition