目的 :测定急性非淋巴细胞白血病 (ANLL)患者对 3种联合化疗方案药物的敏感性 ,探讨体外药敏结果与体内敏感性的关系。方法 :采用MTT法测定 39例ANLL初治或复发患者骨髓单个核细胞 (BMMNC)对HA、DA、MA三个联合化疗方案的敏感性 ,随机选择三个联合方案之一进行 1~ 2个疗程化疗 ,比较其体内外敏感性并进行相关分析。结果 :39例患者 ,S/S19例 ,R/R11例 ,R/S3例 ,S/R6例。体外药敏与体内疗效总符合率为 76 .9%,阳性符合率为 76 %,阴性符合率为 78.6 %,敏感性 86 .4%,特异性 6 4.7%。结论 :MTT法敏感性高、特异性强、有很好的预示价值。
Objective: To study the correlation between the results of the MTT combined chemosensitivity test and the clinical effects of three kinds of combined chemotherapy regimens in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia(ANLL). Methods: MTT assay was used to detect the sensitivity of leukemic cells to the combinations HHT+Ara-C?DNR+Ara-C?MTZ+Ara-C in 39 ANLL patients at initial or relapsed diagnosis. It was also used to randomly select one of the three chemotherapy regimens to observe the correlation between the results of the MTT combined chemosensitivity test in vitro and in vivo.Results:There were 19 S(Sensitive)/S,11 R(resistant)/R,3 R/S,6 S/R(in vitro/in vivo)in 39 patients. The general,positive,and negative coincident rates of in vitro with in vivo were 76.9%,76%,78.6%,respectively.Specificity and sensitivity were 64.7% and 86.4%,respectively.Conclusion:The method gives a good predictive value for high sensitivity and specificity.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Jiangxi