通过大田实验研究了不同条件下黄腐酸对春小麦产量与水分利用效率的影响。结果表明 :黄腐酸拌种和地膜覆盖均能有效促进根系生长。但由于作物生长中后期土壤严重干旱 ,导致耗水量全生育期分配不合理 ,产生同化产物的浪费 ,进而影响水分利用效率和产量。因此黄腐酸能否实现抗旱增产 ,一方面取决于必要的土壤水分条件和合理的耗水过程 。
Four treatments were installed to study the effects of fulvic acid on spring wheat growth and water use efficiency in different conditions by field experiment: CK(without any treatment); FA(seeds were mixed with fulvid acid before sowing); M(plus clear film mulch); WFA(seeds were mixed with fulvid acid before sowing and plus clear film mulch). Both seeds mixed with FA and plastic film mulching efficiently promoted the growth of root, but the serious soil drought during middle and late growth period caused unrational water consumption during whole growth period and the waste of assimilative product. Furthermore the yield and water use efficiency were decreased significantly. So whether FA could make increasing yielded come true depended not only on necessary soil moisture and reasonable water consumption, but also on increasing water use efficiency as much as possible.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
国家"九五"科技攻关项目"半干旱区集水抑蒸及离合模式研究"(96-0 2 0 -0 1-0 2 -0 2