描记采于云南东部邱北县旧城龙潭金线属鱼类二新种 ,以采集地名和县名命名邱北金线 (SinocyclocheilusqiubeinsisLi,sp .nov)和旧城金线 (SioncyclocheilusjuichengensisLi,sp .nov) .前者外形与软鳍金线 [S .malacopterusChuetCui(1985 ) ]相近 ,但体较窄长 ,背鳍具硬剌 ,口端位 ,体鳞排列不规则 ,体背大部裸露可明显区别 ;后者外形与紫色金线 [S .pruprueusLi(1985 ) ]相似 ,但体被规则密集细鳞 ,口亚下位 ,口须长等可明显区别。
The present paper gives descriptions of the two species in Sinocyclocheilus collected from Eastern Yunnan province, China. The type specimens are deposited in Reservoir of Heilongtan,Shilin Yunnan,China. Sinocyclocheilus qiubeiensis ,Li,sp.nov(Fig.1) Holotype: No 990527002,Standard body length 114?mm,collected from Jiucheng longtan (24°02′ N,104°05′ E),Qiubei County,Yunnan May 27,1999,Paratype 4 specimens,No 990527001,990527007,990527008,990527011 standard body length 52~78?mm,collected from the same locality as the holotype. Description: D.iii, 7;A.ii, 5;P.i, 14,V.i, 8,C.i-16-i.Gill-rakers 6~7,Lateral line scales 63~69,Pharyngeal teeth 3 rows 2,3,4/4,3,2.Body depth in standard length 4.00~4.44(4.16),head length 3.06~3.68 (3.14),length of caudal peduncle 3.74~4.75(4.37),depth of caudal peduncle 7.50~8.67(8.18).Snout in head 2.71~3.40(2.96),eye 5.60~7.75(6.65),interorbital 2.75~3.67(3.28),Depth of caudal peduncle 1.70~2.11(1.88)in its length. Diagnosis:The new species is similar to S.malacopterus chu et Cui (1985) but differs from the latter in:(1)Without scales of back body.(2)End of mouth.(3)hard prick of dorsal fin.(4)Distance heredity of molecule 5.9%. Sinocyclocheilus jiuchengensis Li,sp.nov(Fig.2). Holotype: No 990605001,Standard body length 122?mm,Collected from Jiucheng longtan,Qiubei County Yunnan, June 5,1999,Paratype 6 specimens No 990605002,990605003,990527003~990527006,Standard body length 28~116?mm,Collected from the same locality as the holotype. Description:D.iii,7;A,ii,5;P.i,13~14;V.i,8;C.i-15-16-i,Gill-rakers,5~7,laterallinscales 6115-1811-1471.Pharyngeal teeth 3 rows 2,3,4/4,3,2.Body depth in standard length 3.24~3.88(3.58),head length 3.11~3.57(3.38).length of caudal peduncle 3.82~4.92(4.52),depth of caudal peduncle 6.78~8.86(7.93).Snout in head 2.64~3.00(2.93).eye 4.33~6.60(5.17),interorbital 3.08~3.30(3.16).Depth of caudal peduncle 1.56~2.00(1.75) in its length. Diagnosis: The new species dist
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University