通过 1997,1998年的田间调查 ,结果表明在云南 2年 5熟地区玉米地杂草有 2 1科 ,6 1种。与 10年前结果相比 ,杂草的种类没有明显变化 ,但杂草优势种发生明显变化 ,杂草对玉米危害造成的损失减少。危害以一年生杂草为主 ,其中马唐、旱稗、牛膝菊、胜红蓟、苦荞麦为主要优势种。防除玉米地杂草的除草剂以阿宝桶混剂 (30 %莠去津SC +2 5 %宝成DF) ,5 0 %都阿合剂SC ,4 0 %乙莠水SC ,72 %都尔EC ,4 0 %莠去津SC ,2 5
The result of survey showed that there are 21 subjects, 61 species in area where farmer may get 5 harvest in 2 years. But the amount of species has not almost changed, the predominance populations have changed very much, weeds' harm to corn is declining that compare with last 10 years' result the weeds harm to corn that are most annual, The Digitaria sanguinalis,Echinochloa crusgallis var hispiaua,Galinsoga parviflora Cav, Ageratum anmual, Agopyrum tataricum are main predominance population. The control effect of 50% Metolachor + Atrrazine, 40% Acetochlor+Atrazine, 72% Metolachor are better to weed in corn fields.
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University
国家农业部"九五"攻关项目 (96 - 0 0 5 - 0 1- 0 5 - 6 )