该文叙述了发展低成本、高效率太阳电池光伏有源材料CuIn1 xGaxSe2 (CIGS)和新式薄膜电淀积技术的优点。详细报告了该研究项目采用的新式CIGS薄膜电淀积的整个实验制作过程 ,给出了在香港政府创新科技基金资助下的第一阶段所取得的成果。实验结果已证明 :采用这种简单而新颖的电淀积方法能制得光伏用的多晶半导体CIGS薄膜材料。通过测试确定了这种材料具有四方晶体结构、特征峰为 (112 ) ,(2 0 4,2 2 0 )的多晶CIGS材料。已测得连续分布的薄膜层厚约 1 6 μm ,晶粒的平均大小约 2 μm长 ,具有太阳电池所需的材料质量。实验还证明 :此法可重覆生产出厚度和质量相近的CIGS薄膜。该文也做了有关技术的讨论和分析。这种新式的材料和薄膜技术对生产商品化低成本、高效率薄膜太阳电池无疑是非常有希望的。
The authors firstly described the advantages of the selected semiconductor photovoltaic active material CuIn 1-x Ga xSe 2 (CIGS) and the novel thin film precursor solution electro deposition (ED) technology used in this project for obtaining low cost high efficiency thin-film solar cells. The detailed experimental processes of CIGS/Mo/glass structure are reported using the novel ED technology and the results are given in Phase 1 under support of the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) of The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), CHINA. The results have shown that the CIGS polycrystalline thin film layer can be obtained by this simple ED method, in which the polycrystalline CIGS is definitely identified by the (112), (204, 220) characteristic peaks of the tetragonal structure, the continuous CIGS thin film layer with particles average size of about 2μm of length and around 1 6μm of thin film thickness. The thickness and solar grade quality of CIGS precursor thin films can be produced with well repeatability. Discussion and analysis on the techniques and properties are also performed in this paper. These novel material and technology are very hopeful for low cost high efficiency thin film solar cell production.
Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
香港特别行政区创新科技基金项目 (SERAPS/P0 0 5 / 0 0 )