针对高温构件的蠕变断裂寿命的预测方法进行了研究 ,根据蠕变试验 ,得到了 DD3单晶材料的蠕变常数 ,结合某航空发动机单晶涡轮叶片的蠕变行为 ,用 L- M法、θ法和改进的θ法进行了蠕变寿命预测 ,并进行了热弹塑性蠕变计算 .所得结果对工程应用是有参考价值的 .
The predict methods about creep break life of the structure in high temperature are studied. The creep constants of the single crystal named DD3 are obtained on the basis of creep tests. The L M method, θ method and improved θ method are used to predict the creep life of the single crystal turbine blade being used in one engine of a plane. All the results obtained are valuable to engineering applications.
Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition