脉状铅锌矿床模型的建立是在对矿区及矿床地质充分认识的基础上 ,根据脉状矿床矿化特征 ,运用地质统计学的方法 ,选择合理的参数和估值方法 ,进行矿床建模。本文以蔡家营铅锌矿Ⅲ矿带矿床为例 ,从变异函数模型的建立、估值方法的选择、如何利用搜索椭球体确定主要估值参数以及估值后资源 /储量分类的地质可靠程度等几个方面对脉状铅锌矿床的建模方法进行了论述。
The construction of vein lead zinc deposit model is based on the geological study of deposit. According to the mineralization characteristic, the geostatistics method was used to construct the model. In this paper the vein lead zinc deposit modeling method by researching construction of the variogram, selection of the correct estimation method and parameters by using the search ellipsoid as well as the geological assurance of evaluated resource/reserve classification was discussed.
Nonferrous Mines