目的 本文探讨腹腔镜下胆总管囊肿手术的可行性及其疗效。 方法 腹腔镜直视下胆道造影 ,囊肿切除及肝胆管空肠吻合 ,同时探查肝管。肠肠吻合及防返流瓣将空肠提出于腹壁外进行。随访 1~ 6个月无近期并发症。 结果 五例均一次完成手术 ,一例因既往有手术史中转开腹。 结论 腹腔镜下可完成胆总管囊肿根治手术 ,且术后恢复快 。
Objective To study the feasibility and efficacy of laparoscopic operation for choledochal cyst. Methods Under laparoscopy,intraoperative cholangiography was performed.The dilated commom bile duct and the gallbladder were excised,a Roux-en-Y cholangio-jejunostomy was constructed outside the abdominal cavity. Results 5 babies underwent the total cyst excision and hepato-cholangio-jejunostomy successfully and quickly recovered.Only a girl transferred to open operation because of previous operative history. Conclusions Laparoscopic treatment of choledochal cyst is feasible and satisfied outcome.
Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery