在电机动态模型的基础上 ,推导了基于MATLABS函数的感应电机仿真模型 ,实现了对感应电机的仿真。感应电机采用α - β坐标系下的动态模型 ,以电流为状态变量 ,使用MAT LABS函数求解微分方程 ,仿真程序非常简洁。通过对异步电机起动的仿真验证了模型的正确性。
A simulation model of induction motor is presented on the basis of the Park equation. The dynamic model of induction motor under α-β reference frame is described by a set of differential equations whose state variable are stator and rotator currents. Matlab's S-function is used to solve these differential equations. This model is verified by simulation results.