介绍了三峡摆塔式缆索起重机的塔架顶升安装法,即先安装塔架的塔头及其上部分的零部件,然后逐节顶升和拼装标准塔节。该方法的关键技术是保证塔架的平稳顶升及顶升过程中塔架处于垂直状态。塔架的顶升器具为液压提升装置,保持塔架垂直的方法,一是在主后拉索的下端装设液压提升装置 ;二是在与承载索平面垂直的平面上装设临时侧向张紧索,其下端也装有液压提升装置,随着塔架的升高,这些液压提升装置同步放出钢绞线。
The erection of the Three-Gorge luffing cable cranes is using the way of lifting mast sections. The wayis lifting and mounting the mast sections, after finished the installation of the mast head and the parts above the masthead,. The key technique is to maintain the lifting of the mast steadily and to keep the mast in vertical condition. Thusthe lifting device of the mast section is the hydraulic strand take-up device. There are two ways to keep the mastsection in vertical condition. One is to install hydraulic strand take-up devices in the lower end of the main rear stayingrope. Another is to fix auxiliary lateral staying ropes in the track ropes vertical surface and hydraulic strand take-updevices at the lower end of the lateral staying ropes. In pace with the rising of the mast, these hydraulic strand take-up device let strands out.
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