The effects of age and breeds on serum LH levels after administr-action of LRH-A2 was studied in Fengjing ( F) and Landrace ( L ) pre-pubertal gilts, Two experiments were coducted, The resting LH concentrations ( + SE ) in F at 77, L at 85 and 202 days of age were 1.70 ±0.70, 0.74 ± 0.10 and 1.40± 0.14ng/ml respectively, differences between the first 2 and the last 2 were highly significant(P<0.001).All groups treated with LRH-A2 showed significant ( P<0.005-0.001 ) elevation in serum LH at first (5 min ) post-treatment samples,except
5 μg and 10μg of F gilts. After treatment peak values were noted at 25 min in F gilts, but there was no significant difference at 25 and 5 -20 min. The peak values of induced LH in 85 days old L gilts appeared at 15-20 min, which were increased with increased doses of LR-H-A2,. As effect of age on LRH-A2 induced LH levels, the peak values were noted at 30 and 60 days of age in F(5.55 ± 0.63ng/ml ) and L
( 16.14±2.74ng/ml ) , which were highly different ( P<0.005 ). Afterwards, induced LH levels reduced to a minimum at 90 and 200 days of age in F and L gilts respectively. Both experiments indicated that induced LH contents at 30-60 and 60-90 days of age of F gilts were significantly lower than that at 60 and 95 days of age of L gilts respectively. With approaching puberty the difference became nonsignificant. It was concluded that the LRH-A, induced LH values fluctuated with age in prepubertal gilts of both pig breeds; steroid feedback mechanism was established at about 30 days of age in F, and at about 60 days of age in L gilts;These differences may be due to the differences in development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian circuit.