从文本叙述行动层的组合、叙述因子的构成和叙述的基本图式出发 ,分析《红与黑》的文本构成。笔者认为 :《红与黑》的文本由一个主要行动层和两个次要行动层组成 ;文本故事世界中的自由叙述因子不仅支撑着非自由叙述因子 ,而且充分体现了叙述者的个性特征 ;文本故事世界的叙述图式则展示了以张驰来调节的叙述节奏 。
This article looks into the text structure of Red and Black by examining the combination of layers of action, the composition of elements of narration, and the schema of narration, and comes to the conclusion that one primary layer and two sub-layers of action constitute the text structure of Red and Black. The free elements of narration not only support the bound ones in the narration of the story, but fully reflect the individuality of the narrator. On the other hand, the schema of narration controls the tempo of narration, quick or slow, tense or lax. All these characteristics lend themselves to the tragic beauty of the novel.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)