通过从法理学的角度对一人公司法人进行分析 ,认为一人公司法人的确立 ,虽然对传统公司法人制度产生了强烈的冲击 ,但是一人公司法人的存在自有其深厚的经济、政治、理论基础。因而 ,需要把它放在社会发展的历史长河中进行考察 ,并进行相应的法律规制 ,以扬其长避其短 ,促使其健康发展。
When analysed by the science of principle of law,one-member companies,in spite of the fact that they strongly influence incorporated companies,have their economic,political and theoretical basis.As a result,we can only probe into their emergence and development from a social and historical point of view and keep them under the control of law so as to overcome their weak points and bring about a greater advance.
Journal of Changshu College