

A Complete Understanding of Marx and Engels, Comments on the Principle of Legitimacy of the Vienna Congress
摘要 国内史学界普遍认为正统主义原则是维也纳会议奉行的重要原则之一,并使得许多旧王朝复辟,保护了各国君主制,并引用了恩格斯的话来证明这一结论。但当时欧洲30个国家与地区的政权与领土的演变事实与此大相径庭。而且,马克思和恩格斯对正统主义的评价在过去并未被给予完整的解读和介绍。因此,对历史和对革命导师的真知灼见的误视造成了长期以来对正统主义的功用的认识偏颇。 The domestic circle of historical research generally regards the principle of legitimacy as one of the importantprinciples pursued by the Congress of Vienna and believes that this principle led to a restoration of dethroned monarchs accordingto the Engels' review. But the evoution of the authorities and territories of 30 countries and districts in Europe in thore timescould hot bring on such an opinion; in the same time, the Marx and Engels' review was not completely deceded. Therefore,the misunderstanding of the history and the two teachers of revoutionary has led to a misjudgment on such a principle.
作者 羽离子
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期66-70,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 维也纳会议 正统主义 马克思 恩格斯 达来朗 the Congress of Vienna the Principle of Legitimacy Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Charles Maurice deTalleyrand - Perigord
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