肾上腺髓质素是 1993年发现的一种血管活性多肽 ,肾上腺髓质素前体N端 2 0肽 (proadrenomedullinNterminal 2 0peptide ,PAMP)是由其前体产生的 4个活性片段之一。本研究观察高血压病 (30例)和心功能不全 (2 2例)患者血浆PAMP水平的变化 ,并与健康人(18名 )作比较 ,探讨其病理生理作用。采用放免方法测定血浆PAMP、内皮素(ET)、血管紧张素 (ATII)含量 ;用高压液相 (HPLC)测定血浆去甲肾上腺素 (NE)和肾上腺素 (E)水平。结果显示健康人对照组的PAMP为(18 4 2± 2 33)ng/L ,而高血压病患者组为对照组的 1 6 2倍 (P<0 0 1) ,心力衰竭患者组为对照组的 1 5 3倍 (P <0 0 5 ) ;两组病人血浆PAMP水平与ET、ATII、NE、E呈显著正相关 (P <0 0 5 )。推测升高的PAMP参与了心力衰竭和高血压病的病理过程 ,PAMP水平的升高对机体具有一定的保护作用。
Adrenomedullin is a vasodilative peptide found in 1993. It has been proved that proadrenomedullin can be divided into 4 peptides by endoenzyme. Proadrenomedullin N terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) is one of them. PAMP has many functions on cardiovascular physiology. But so far the relationship between PAMP and cardiovascular diseases has not been found. In this study its plasma levels in the patients with essential hypertension(EH) and heart failure(HF) were investigated with its pathophysiological effect discussed. The plasma levels of PAMP, endothilin(ET), Angiotension II(AT II) were measured with RIA, and norepinephrine(NE), epinephrine(E) were measured with HPLC. the plasma level of PAMP in the control group was 18 42±2 33ng/L, and was 1 62 times higher in EH group than in the control group, and was 1 53 times higher in HF group as compared with the control group respectively ( P <0 05). The plasma levels of PAMP in patients group were positively correlated with ET, AT II, NE, E( P <0 05). The plasma levels of PAMP in patients were higher than those in the control group, suggesting that they may be involved in the pathophysiological process of EH?HF. The elevation of plasma level of PAMP may play a protective role for the patients.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army