以叶状苞亚属的叶状苞杜鹃为外类群 ,对杜鹃属映山红亚属 (subg .Tsutsusi) 2组 12种杜鹃和羊踯躅亚属 (subg .Pentanthera) 3组 4种杜鹃的ITS区 (包括 5 8SrDNA)的序列进行了系统学分析。 3个亚属的ITS区序列长度范围为 6 42 - 6 45bp。排序后ITS区的序列长度为 6 5 3个位点 ,gap做缺失处理时 ,变异位点和信息位点分别占 6 5 8%和 3 6 8%。运用PAUP4 0软件分析 ,获得 15个最简约树 ,步长为 75 ,一致性指数 (CI)和维持性指数 (RI)值分别为 0 9333和 0 95 15 ,利用 15个最简约树获取严格一致树 ,结果表明 :1)映山红亚属为一单系类群 ,其内部支持率为 81% ;2 )不支持将R tashiroi独立成假映山红组 ,也不支持将R tashiroi并入映山红组 ,而支持将R tashiroi并入轮生叶组中的观点 ;3)支持将R tsusiophyllum并入映山红组中的观点 ;4 )大字杜鹃的系统位置还需进一步的研究。
The sequences of nrDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS)(including 5 8S rDNA) of 12 species representing 2 sections of Subg Tsutsusi and 4 species representing 3 sections of Subg Pentanthera of Rhododendron ,were analyzed to reconstruct the phylogeny of Subg Tsutsusi and Subg Pentanthera using parasimony methods and R redowskianum Maxim of subg Therorhodion as outgroup.The size of ITS region within the three subgenera ranges from 642 to 645bp.The aligned length is 653 positions, which provide 6 58% variable sites and 3 68% phylogenetical informative sites when gaps are treated as missing.15 most parsimonious trees,with a length of 75 steps,consistency index ( CI ) of 0 9333 and retention index ( RI ) of 0 9515,were obtained.The topology of the strict consensus tree shows that: 1)Subg Tsutsusi is a monophyletic group, the bootstrap value is 81%; 2) R tashiroi is neither a member of Sect Tsusiopsis nor that of Sect Tsutsusi , R tashiroi should be a member of Sect Brachycalyx ; 3) R tsusiophyllum is a member of Sect Tsutsusi ; 4)the phylogenetic position of R schlippenbachii is not resolved in this study and needs further research.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
国家杰出青年科学基金NSFC3972 5 0 0 1
中国科学院百人计划 1998- 0 0 5 4
云南省自然科学基金(98C0 90M)