本试验利用6个单,双低甘蓝型油菜品种作为亲本,研究了14个产量、品质性状的超亲优势和12个性状的配合力,同时计算了单株种子产量优势强度和其它11个性状优势强度间的相关系数和通径系数。结果表明:a.甘蓝型油菜F_1杂种的超亲优势普遍存在,以单株种子产量平均超亲优势值最高,分别为37.1%和34.3%;亲本不同来源(亚洲油菜×欧洲油菜)的组合表现的绝对值和超亲优势在主要农艺性状方面高于来源相同的(亚洲油菜×亚洲油菜或欧洲油菜×欧洲油菜)组合.b.12个性状的g. c. a. 方差和s. c. a方差均十分显着,说明加性效应和非加性效应对这些性状的的遗传变异影响显著.c.甘蓝型油菜单株产量的配合力效应是产量直接构成因素配合力互补的结果。特殊配合力效应与超亲优势关系密切,可以用s. c. a. 效应大致预测杂种优势,而g. c. a. 效应与其后代的超亲优势之间无明显规律可循。d.单株种子产量超亲优势与一次有效分枝数、二次有效分枝数和单株有效角果数超亲优势呈极显著正相关,与其它性状优势相关不显著。
Crosses (without reciprocals) of 6×6 diallel are conducted tostudy the heteroses of 14 characters, combining ability of 12 characters, rela-tionships between heteroses of 11 characters and the single-plant heterosis ofseed yield of 15 F_1. The results are as follows: 1. The F_1 hybrids exhibit positive mean heteroses: 37.1% for single-plantpods and 34.3% for single-plant seed yield. In respect of absolute data andheteroses the crosses of diverse origin (Asian(A)×European(E)) are higherthan the crosses of the same origin (A×A and E×E) in most of importantagronomic characters. 2. General combining ability squares and specific combining ability meansquares are highly significant for all 12 characters, showing both additive andnon-additive genetic effects being important for these characters. 3. The effect combining ability of single-plant seed yield results from com-plementation of combining ability of direct yield components. Heterosis hasclose relationship with specific combining ability effect, but with general com-bining abitity effect. So heterosis can be predicted according to sepcific combi-ning ability effect. 4. Single-plant heterosis of seed yield has a highly significant positivecorrelation with that of primary branches, secondary branches and pods.