含二氯二甲基海因复方消毒剂的辅助成分有甲基海因、溴化钾、十二烷基硫酸钠、硅酸钠、三聚磷酸钠、无水硫酸钠等,100g粉剂中含有效氯≥33 g.为了解其杀菌效果、稳定性与毒性,进行了悬液定量杀菌试验、热稳定性试验与毒性试验.结果,在18~22℃下,对悬液中金黄色葡萄球菌以其含有效氯50 mg/L溶液作用15 min,对大肠杆菌以其含有效氯20 mg/L溶液作用15 min,对枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞以其含有效氯800 mg/L溶液作用60 min,杀灭率均达100%.有机物对其杀菌效果有一定影响.该剂于54℃存放14 d,有效氯含量下降率≤1.24%.该剂水溶液对小鼠经口灌胃LD50为2 489 mg/kg,对家兔皮肤刺激反应积分为0,小鼠蓄积系数K>5,小鼠骨髓微核试验阴性.因此,该复方为杀菌效果与稳定性较好,毒性较低的消毒剂.
The adjuvant ingredients of the compound disinfectant containing dichlorodimcthyl hydanloin arc methyl hydantoin, potassium bromide, sodium dodecyl sulfatc, sodium silicate, sodium tripolyphosphate, anhyrous sodium sulfatc, etc.. 100 g of powder contains available chlorine =33 g. In order to know its gcrmicidal efficacy, stability and toxicity, suspension quantitative germicidal test, thermostabilily lest and toxicily test were carried out. The results showed that at 18~ 22癈 , the killing rates of Staphylococcus aureus in suspension exposed to its solution containing available chlorine 50 mg/ L for 15 min, Escherichia coli exposed to its solution containing available chlorine 20 mg / L for 15 min and spores of Bacillus subtilis var. niger exposed to its solution containing available chlorine 800 mg/ L for 60 min were 100%. The organic substances had certain influence on its germicidal efficacy. After storing it at 54癈 for 14 days, its available chlorine content decreased by <1.24%. The oral LD50 of its water solution in mice was 2 489 mg/ kg. The rabbit skin irrtation reaction score was 0, the mouse accumulation coefficient K was >5 and the mouse bone marrow micronucleus lest was nega tive. Therefore, this compound disinfectant is a disinfeclant with good germicidal efficacy and stability and low toxicity.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection