The adrenal medulla of normal adult male BALB/c mouse was observed with transmission electron microscopy in this experiment, Thecells of the adrenal medulla were rich in membrane-bound secretory granules. According to differences in size, shape, electron density and halo of the secretory granules, the cells of the adrenal medulla could be classified into two types: adrenaline storing cell and noradrenaline-storing cell. According to the difference in electron density of their cytoplasm, both adrenaline-storing cell and noradrenaline-storing cell could be also divided into two types: light cell and dark cell To the adrenal medulla cells, the glutaraldehyde was not only good fixative but also good histochemical reagent, which could be used to make the difference between adrenaline-storing granules and noradrenaline- storing granules With the stereology method, we obtained the total average diameter of the two types of granules and analysed the errors of two kinds of methods that were used previously on stereology.
adrenal medula