图书馆作为一个专门收集、整理、保存、传播文献 ,并提供利用的科学、文化、教育机构 ,是人们获取知识的主要来源之一。发展至今已有数千年的历史。然而 ,在信息技术迅速普及的今天 ,越来越多的读者希望通过网络更方便、更快捷地进行图书的查阅、借阅 ,获取自己的所需 。
As a science culture education institution which collect?settle?store?transmit document and provide methods of taking advantage of it,library is the main resource of gaining knowlege.Its creation and occurring depends upon the creation of language.Through thousands years it develop to the appearance today.But,today with the speed development of information,more and more readers want to consult and borrow book more conviently through the network,so the construction of books manage system in library becomes more and more important.
Shanxi Electronic Technology