柔性金属“贴布”涂层技术是近 1 0几年发展起来的一种新型金属表面改性技术。文章对用双层“金属贴布”法在钢件表面形成的涂层及其与钢结合界面的微观组织结构及性能进行了分析和讨论 ,并与单层“金属贴布”法进行了比较。结果表明 ,涂层中的相组成为WC相、α Co相、β Co相、γ Fe相及Ni相 ;其组织为WC相及粘结相组成的非均匀结构 ;涂层致密无气孔 ;双层“金属布”形成的涂层与钢基体发生成分互扩散形成冶金结合 ,且结合强度大于单层“金属布”制备的涂层的结合强度 ;双层“金属布”在烧结过程中的线收缩率比单层“布”小得多 ,当利用双层“布”
Coating with flexible powder alloy sheet is a new kind of technology for metal surface modification in the recent decades.Because of its large shrikage rate,it is difficult for the single sheet to be used in producing coatings on the steel with curve surface.This paper introduced the wear resistant hard coatings formed on steel surface by double powder alloy sheet,and focuses on the microstructure and properties of the coatings and the interfaces between the coatings and the steel.The coatings composed of such phases as WC,α Co,β Co,γ Fe and Nickel.The distribution of WC and abrasive phases is inhomogeneous.The composition shown there being diffusion happened mutually between the double powder alloy sheet coatings and the steel.The shear strength between coatings and steel is bigger than single sheet coatings.The shrinkage rate of the double alloy sheet coating is much smaller than the single one.The wear resistant coatings are featured with high density,no porous,no crack on the circle surface of steel cylinders.
Powder Metallurgy Industry