千岛湖森林公园经营山林 3 7万hm2 ,森林覆盖率达 82 4 % ,活立木蓄积达 193万m3 。目前存在的问题是 :树种结构单一、生态功能脆弱 ;人为活动频繁 ,管护难度大。提出的今后对策为 :调整林种树种结构 ,增强森林生态功能 ;调整产业结构 ,大力发展旅游业 ;加大封山育林力度 ,推广适用技术 ;建立补偿机制 。
The forest area of Qiandaohu Forest Park is 37 000hm 2, with the forest coverage and living tree volume of 82 4% and 1 930 000m 3 respectively. However the vegetation in Qiandaohu had the problems of monotonous tree species, fragile ecological function, and the frequent human activities increased the difficulties in protection and management. A series strategies including adjust species and forest types, enhance the ecological function of forests, adjust industry structure, promote the development of tourism, strengthen close mountain to facilitate revegetation, extend practical techniques, establish compensation mechanism and increase fund input were proposed for the future development of Qiandaohu Forest Park.
Forest Inventory and Planning