1999~ 2 0 0 0年以提高优质早稻成穗率、结实率、整精米率、减少农药污染为研究内容 ,选用中优早 81、香两优 6 8为材料 ,运用小区对比试验方法 ,开展了育秧方式、基本苗、施氮量、收割时期、农药防治方法等栽培试验。结合近几年优质早稻开发种植实践经验 ,对优质早稻高产栽培的主要技术指标进行了系统分析 ,形成了优质早稻“三高一少”调优保优高产栽培技术体系 ,即优质早稻每公顷产量 6 0 0 0~ 75 0 0 kg的关键技术指标。在双峰县普遍推广应用 ,效果十分显著。
The two high quality early seasoned rice varieties Zhongyouzao 81 and Xiangliangyou 68 were used as the experimental varieties. The patterns of raising rice seedlings, number of tillers transplanted, nitrogenous fertilization rates, harvesting dates, and methods of pest control by pesticides were investigated in 1999~2000 in order to improve panicle bearing, seed set and high milled whole grain rate and reduce pesticide contamination, The major technical parameters for high yielding cultivation of high quality early seasoned rice were systematically analyzed together with practice of exploitation of high quality early seasoned rice in recent years, A novel cultivation pattern for high quality early seasoned rice of 6 000~7 500 kg per hectare was therefore formulated and extended to Shuanfeng County.
Crop Research