上海市颁布了新的《上海市恶性肿瘤报告办法》 ,明确各级机构职责 ,实行肿瘤登记报告属地化管理和病人居住地管理 ,利用先进的计算机技术和网络通讯技术 ,进一步提高工作效率和质量 ,提高病人管理覆盖率和肿瘤防治效果。
A new Cancer Registry Regulations, issued by Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, came into force in Shanghai. It regulates the different responsibilities in cancer registry for the Municipal Center for Disease Prevention and Control(SCDC) and its sub_centers, general hospitals and community health service centers. All the cancer patients are followed regularly according to their actual residence that will enlarge the coverage of patient management. The advanced IT technology has been applied in the new cancer registry system to improve its efficiency and quality.
China Cancer