目的 探讨肺结节病临床诊断 ,以提高诊断符合率。方法 分析 2 0例肺结节病的临床资料。结果 2 0例肺结节病患者 ,男 7例 ,女 13例 ;年龄 14~ 6 3岁 ,平均 4 1 6岁。主要症状依此为咳嗽 6例 ,胸闷气短 6例 ,红斑 4例 ,视力下降 3例 ,乏力 2例 ,头痛 1例 ,X线及CT检查提示双肺门肿大 19例 ,单侧肺门肿大 1例 ,纵隔淋巴节肿大 12例 ,肺间质纤维化改变 6例 ,双侧少量胸水 3例 ,经纤维支气管镜活检确诊 14例 ,皮肤黏膜及淋巴结活检共确诊 8例。Kveim试验阳性 ,SACE(6 9 8± 12 6 )U/L。结论 肺结节病多见青中年成人 ,女性发病多 ,临床症状不典型 ,在诊断方面需要结合临床表现、胸片及以纤维支气管镜为主的活检进行病理检查。
Objective To study the clinical diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis,in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy.Methods The clinical data of 20 patients with pulmonaty sarcoidosis was retrospectively analyzed .Results There were 7 males and 13 females in this group with 20 patients age 14~63 years old mean 41 6 years,main symptom was cough(n=16),wet cough(n=8),hard breathing(n=6),fever(n=6),erythema(n=4),visual change(n=3),fatigue(n=2),headache(n=1),X-ray and CT examination results were as followes:bilateral hilar hilifuge larger than normal 19 cases,single hilifuge larger than normal 1 cases,mediastinal lymphadenectasis 12 cases,interstial pulmonary fibrosis 6 cases,bilateral little quantity pleural effusion 3 cases.Bronchofiberoscopy diagnosis in 14 cases,live tissue examination of skin,mucosa and lymph node in 8 cases,Kveim test positive 3 cases,SACE 69 8±12 6μ/L.Conclusions Clincal symptom of pulmonary sarcoidosis was not typical,high morbidity was occured among females.In combination of clinical symptom,X-ray examination and bronchofiberoscopy pathologic examination was required to improve diagnosis rate.The therapy of adrenocortical hormone could acquire good efficacy.
Journal of Chinese Physician