采用高温熔融法以消除粒度效应 ,并减少基体效应的影响。选择各元素的 Kα线为分析线 ,以钴的 Kα线为全铁的内标线绘制 TFe的工作曲线 ,而其它元素则直接以含量和 X射线的强度分别为横、纵坐标绘制工作曲线。
Granularity effects are eliminated and matrix effects are decreased by high temperature fusion technique.Analitical lines of elements are K α lines.The calibration curve of total iron is made with Co K α line as an internalstandard lined,the others are made with concentration as x-axis and X-ray intensity as y-axis.The precision and accuracy of the XRF method are excellent as compared with classi calchemical method.
Hunan Metallurgy