哈椒 6号的母本WF11来源于湖南羊角椒 ,父本CXF1来源于江西甜椒。该一代杂种果实牛角形 ,纵径13.9cm ,横径 3.1cm ,果肉厚 0 .2 5cm ,质脆 ,微辣 ;抗CMV ,耐疫病 ;适宜露地和保护地早熟栽培 ,露地栽培前期产量每公顷达 2 10 6 4.4kg ,总产量达 5 5 85 2 .4kg。
Hajao No.6 is a new pepper F 1 hybrid bred from WF 11 and CXF 1. It is early maturing,resistant to CMV and blight, and teleranct to low temperature. It could be cultivated in the open and protected fields. Its early yield is about 21.06t·hm -2 and total yield reachs 55.85t·hm -2 in the open field. The fruit shape is OX horn. The average weight per fruit is about 35g, and the fruit is 13.9cm long. The fruit is slightly hot.
China Vegetables