联邦主义作为一种具有悠久思想渊源的政治一体化理论 ,主张一体化实行联邦制形式 ,通过制定一部联邦宪法和建立超国家性的机构框架 ,实现中央机构和地方机构的权力制衡 ,以便维持国家或地区的和平与稳定。它极力倡导欧洲的政治联合向超国家的欧洲联邦或欧洲合众国迈进。联邦主义的思想主张在战后欧洲一体化实践中进行了许多尝试 ,虽然其实质性进展并不突出 。
Federalism is a political integration theory which originates from very old sources of ideas. It argues that integration should proceed in the form of federation by making a federal constitution and establishing supranational institutions, by which the central and local authorities can check and balance each other in power and peace and security in a state or an area could be maintained. It strongly tries to push the political unity of Europe into the direction of European Federation or the 'United States of Europe'. Its ideas have been attempted in European integration process, and few substansive advancements have been achieved. However, it still has had an important influence on the European integration.
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