以钛酸丁脂 [(C4 H9O) 4Ti]为前驱物制备了 Ti O2 胶体 ,采用离子自组装的方法在普通载玻片表面制备了透明的 Ti O2 纳米粒子 /聚 4苯乙烯黄酸钠 (PSS)复合薄膜。随着镀膜次数或薄膜厚度增加 ,Ti O2 /PSS薄膜的透光率呈周期性变化 ;透射电镜 (TEM)测试结果表明 ,薄膜均匀 ,薄膜中的 Ti O2 呈板钛矿 ;光电子能谱仪 (XPS)实验结果表明薄膜中含有 Ti、O、C元素 ,载玻片表面完全被 Ti O2
Colloidal TiO 2 was prepared from tetrabutul titanate〔(C 4H 9O) 4Ti〕by hydrolyzing. From Poly(Sodium4 styrenesulfonate ) Salt and Colloidal TiO 2, TiO 2/PSS thin films were prepared on glass at room temperature by the ionic self assembly approach. XPS data show that TiO 2 thin films contain Ti, O and C and that the surfaces of the glass substrates were fully covered by the TiO 2/PSS thin films. TEM data show that TiO 2 nanoparticles present in thin films as brookite. TiO 2/PSS thin films are uniform. Transmitity of TiO 2/PSS thin films show periodical variety as increasment in the bilayer number or the film thickness.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
湖北省自然科学基金 (2 0 0 1j2 0 15 )