储层孔隙介质气体吸附理论模型的研究是以单组分气体吸附模型的研究为基础的。在对 9个化工领域常见的单组分气体吸附理论模型进行再研究的基础上 ,利用储层孔隙介质单组分气体等温吸附数据 ,采用Leven berg Marquardt非线性最小二乘法 ,针对每个模型进行回归拟合计算 ,得到每个模型的模型参数值 ,再将这些模型参数代回到该模型中进行吸附预测。获得的结果是 :单组分气体吸附WilsonVSM模型和FHVSM模型计算值比其它模型更接近实验数据。
Isothermal model for adsorptio of paraffinic hydrocarbons in reservoir porous medium contains single and multi-component such two levels,in which the single adsorption component model is the basis of multi-component model.In this paper,9 single component Isothermal adsorption models from the chemical engineering field are used to correlate the experiment isothermal data of adsorption of pure nitrogen,methane,ethane,propane,and n-butane in three reservoir cores by Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear method.And the results indicate that both single component Wilson VSM and FHVSM are the best model to describe the adsorption of these pure gases in the reservoir cores.
Drilling & Production Technology
"油气藏地质及开发工程"国家重点实验室开放基金项目 (PLN0 110 )的部分成果