将列车—上承式桁梁桥作为一个耦合的整体系统进行研究 .上承式桁梁桥采用桁段有限单元模拟 ,列车采用具有 2 1个自由度的 2系弹簧车辆空间振动模型 .应用弹性系统动力学总势能不变值原理及形成矩阵的“对号入座”法则 ,建立列车—桥梁时变系统的整体横向振动方程 ,使用机车车辆轮对或转向架实测蛇行波为激振源 ,计算了一列货物列车以 5种不同速度通过桐模甸上承式钢桁梁桥时的列车—桥梁系统的横向动力响应 .计算结果表明 :采用本文方法计算列车—桥梁系统的横向振动是切实可行的 。
The lateral vibration of train and deck truss girder bridges is discussed while the train and the deck truss girder bridge are coupled together as one composite system. Deck truss girder bridge is idealized as an assemblage of finite truss element. The vehicle space vibration model of two-stage suspension is used, which has 21-degrees of freedom. The global lateral vibration equations of the train and deck truss girder bridges time varying system are set up by using the principle of total potential energy with stationary value in elastic system dynamics and the 'set-in-right-position' rule for forming structural matrices. By using the test hunting curves of wheel set or bogie of the train as excitation, the responses of train and bridge system lateral vibration have been calculated when a freight car travels through Tongmodian deck steel truss girder bridge at five speeds respectively. The results show that this method is feasible.It is helpful to further study the lateral stiffness of deck truss girder bridge and the vibration of the train at high speeds and truss bridge system.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Natural Science Edition
河南省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 0 0 40 40 10 0 )