采用区域适定法对LCR -G型重力仪的仪器参数进行适时标定。对标定结果的分析表明 :(1)区域适定法标定结果与基线标定结果精度相当 ;(2 )重力仪的线性项参数呈现随时间的趋势性下降和非线性。采用区域适定解校正后的线性项参数处理区域重力网的观测资料 ,不仅能有效地削弱系统误差 。
The regional timely calibration method is used for calibrating the parameters of LaCoste&Romberg model G (LCR-G) gravimeter in good time. The analysis of calibration results shows that: (1) The calibration results by regional timely calibration method and by baseline are about equal in accuracy. (2) The parameters in linear term parameters of gravimeter tend to nonlinearly decrease when time increases. If the parameters in linear term corrected by regional timely calibration solutions are used to process the observations from regional gravity network,not only the system errors in the observations would be validly weakened but also the gravimeter's ability to detect the earthquake information would be enhanced.
Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics
地震科学联合基金 (1970 75 )资助课题