根据 1998年夏季和冬季 2个航次的实测资料 ,对南海的水团进行划分和分析 ,并利用1997年 7月和 12月的实测资料 ,对巴士海峡 (吕宋海峡 )和民都洛水道附近的温盐分布进行分析。1998年冬季的资料分析结果表明 ,可将南海外海水划分为 6个水团 ,即南海表层水团 (S)、南海次表层水团 (U)、南海次 -中层混合水团 (UI)、南海中层水团 (I)、南海深层水团 (D)和南海底盆水(B)。 1998年夏季还可在南海中鉴别出黑潮表层水团 (KS)和黑潮次表层水团 (KU) ,但在冬季观测期间无黑潮水越过 119.5°E经线进入南海 ;夏季有苏禄海水在 5 0~ 75 m层经民都洛水道侵入南海。然而 ,1997年夏季和冬季的资料分析表明 :夏、冬两季都有大洋水通过吕宋海峡北段进入南海 ,南段有南海水流入太平洋。这些现象可能与 1998年前后的厄尔尼诺有关。
Water masses in the South China Sea (SCS) were distinguished and analyzed based upon data in summer and winter of 1998. Distributions of temperature and salinity near the Bashi Channel (Luzon Strait) and Mindoro Channel were analyzed by using data in July and December of 1997.The results from the data in winter of 1998 indicated that water in open sea areas of the SCS was classified into six water masses, i.e. the Surface Water Mass of the SCS (S), the Subsurface Water Mass of the SCS (U), the Subsurface Inter mediate Water Mass of the SCS(UI),the Intermediate Water Mass of the SCS(I), the Deep Water Mass of the SCS(D) and the Bottom Water Mass of the SCS(B). In summer of 1998, the Kuroshio Surface Water Mass (KS) and the Kuroshio Subsurface Water Mass (KU) were also distinguished in the SCS. But no Kuroshio water had intruded into the SCS passing 119.5°E in the investigative period in winter. The Sulu Sea Water (SSW) had intruded into the SCS through the layer of 50~75m in the Mindoro Channel in summer of 1998. However, data of summer and winter in 1997 indicated that water from the Pacific entered into the SCS through the north part of the Luzon Strait both in summer and in winter, but water from the SCS entered into the Pacific through the South part of the strait. Those phenomena might correlate with the El Nino event around 1998.
Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金课题 ( 2 0 0 0 0 4 2 30 1 )
the South China Sea
water mass
the Bashi Channel (Luzon Strait)
the Mindoro Channel
water exchange