基于对建筑师理查德·迈耶的建筑实践及建筑作品所进行的简要概述 ,分别从三个方面———美国新英格兰的传统建筑沿革 ,立体主义表现手法的起源与发展变化 ,以及建筑师对于建筑空间和形式的纯粹性的追求 ,试图对迈耶的建筑设计思想作追根溯源的研究和剖析 ,同时也指出了迈耶建筑的真正价值所在。
Based on brief account of Meier's architectural practice and works, the author attempts to analyze Richard Meier's architectural criteria from three different aspects: the evolution of traditional architecture in New England of US, the evolution of cubical method and purified architectural space and style which Meier constantly adheres to. All those converge to interpreting where the genuine value of Meier's architecure lies.
Journal of Changsha Communications University