目的 :建立CMVIgM抗体捕获ELISA法并用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)技术对此方法进行了评价。方法 :采用巨细胞病毒 (CMV)AD— 16 9株感染人胚肺细胞的方法制备CMV抗原 ,并采用冻化抗原制备法及甘氨酸法制备抗原 ,羊抗人IgM (μ链 )McAb包被酶标板 ,建立CMVIgM抗体捕获ELISA法。结果 :不同浓度抗 μ链McAb包被 ,包被时间、包被液、封闭液等不同条件 ,以及抗原浓度、抗CMV抗体酶结合物浓度对此法的建立有不同的影响。PCR法与用最佳条件配盒后的本方法CMVIgM抗体检出率无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :本法测定CMV—IgM抗体的敏感性和特异性较高 ,简便、适用 ,易于推广 。
Objective: Cytomegalovirus(CMV)IgM antibody-Capture ELISA(AC-ELISA) method was established and evaluated it with method of PCR. Methods: the CMV antigen was product by Lyophilized and Glycine extracted after succession of culture human pulmonary fibroblast in embryonic phase infected with CMV AD-169 strain. Results: It showed that the coating buffer and coating methods and blocking buffer and the concentration of antigen and serum and enzyme conjugated anti-CMV antibody can affect the detection result. Assessment showed that are no significance of difference between CMV IgM AC-ELISA and PCR in detection of CMV IgM antibody (P>0.05). Conclusion: AC-ELISA method is specific, sensitive, reliable, simple, practical and can be used in clinic appllied research.
Hebei Medicine