综合分析了 CDT在路线设计中的应用 ,并提出了相应的解决方案。深入研究了适合各种应用的 CDT构建算法 ,即先不考虑约束条件构建初级标准 DT,再将约束边嵌入初始 DT中的两步法。标准 DT的构建采用改进和优化后的逐点插入算法 ,通过建立网格索引 ,实现数据的高效组织和管理 ,再结合方向搜索技术 ,研究出了三角形的快速定位算法。采用 WATSON的“数据相关三角形”算法优化构网 ,为减少优化时间 ,提出了按网格轮流取点的策略。实践证明 ,该算法具有速度快、网形优、精度高、用途广的特点。
In this paper,a comprehensive analysis for those applications of constrained delaunay triangulation in road and railway alignment and its implementary scheme were propounded.The creating algorithm for CDT was studied thoroughly which could be divided into such two steps as creating standard DT without regard to constrained edges firstly and embedding those constrained edges into the initial DT secondly.This algorithm was suited to all applications in road and railway alignment.During the course of creating the standard DT some methods for optimizing and improving the incremental insertion algorithm were adopted.The datas of DT were organized and controlled efficiently by constructing the grid index system,together with the technology of orient searching,the algorithm for fast searching for the triangle that contain the given point was worked out.The data dependent triangles algorithm put forward by WATSON was applied to searching for and reconstituting the impacted area.To accelerating that course,the strategy of extracting points from alternated grids in turn was implemented.The whole algorithm had those characteristics of high speed,smart shape,high precision and wide use,which had been verfied by its successful application.
China Journal of Highway and Transport
铁道部科技发展计划基金项目 (97G2 3 -F)
湖南省科委基金项目 (01-961-18-4 )