在第三产业崛起的形势下 ,劳动价值论面临适用范围日趋缩小的挑战。本文通过探讨非实物产品、非实物使用价值和服务价值理论 ,将社会产品范畴扩大到服务产品 ,将使用价值范畴扩大到非实物使用价值 ,将劳动价值论适用范围扩大到第三产业 ,科学地论证了第三产业劳动创造价值的问题 ,这对促进政治经济学学科建设和第三产业的发展 。
Under circumstances of the rise of the third industry, traditional theories on value of labor are faced with the severe challenge of a narrowing scope of application. In response to this challenge, the author explores possible ways to extend the application area to the third industry. Non material products, non material use value, and theories on value of service are discussed. Thus, the category of social products is expanded to include service products, the category of use value is enlarged to embrace non materialized use value, and the category of value of labor is extended so that the third industry can also be addressed.
Teaching and Research