目的 :探讨成批烧伤病人早期抢救与处理方法 ,商榷成批烧伤病人的数量。方法 :本科 1 996年至2 0 0 0年抢救成功的 4批烧伤病人共 54例 ,全部应用烧伤湿性医疗技术 (MEBT/MEBO)治疗。对早期抢救治疗提出了7条处理原则。结果 :治愈 52例 (治愈率 96 30 % ) ;死亡 2例 (病死率 3 70 % ) ;创面少量植皮 4例 (占 7 70 % ) ,其余均为生理性愈合 ;创面平均愈合天数为 2 6 61天 ,愈合创面无明显瘢痕及功能障碍。结论 :成批烧伤病人早期严格执行MEBT/MEBO操作规程 ,坚持 7条处置原则及中后期综合治疗方案 ,可提高成批烧伤病人的救治成功率。
Objective: To study the method of emergency treatment of burn patients in groups. Method: Four groups of burn patients (54 patients in total) were treated with MEBT/MEBO in our hospital. Principle of emergency treatment with MEBT/MEBO was suggested. Results: 52 cases were cured (curative rate 96.30%). 2 cases died (death rate 3.70%). All the patients healed physiologically except that 4 of them were subjected to small area skin grafting (7.70%). The wounds healed in 26.61 days, without scar formation and dysfunction. Conclusion: Burn patients in groups should be treated with MEBT/MEBO at early stage according to the operation regulation for MEBT/MEBO. The treating principle including 7 articles should be fulfilled and comprehensive treating schedule should be carried out at the middle and later stages, so that the curative rate could be raised.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers